
About JPA


We're very proud of our history here at JPA - we have been in business since 1995, serving niche magazine publishers who print short-run magazines... It's where the company started, and it remains our focus today. Our customers are typically trade journals or hobby magazines with print runs of less than 12,000.

Many of our employees have been with us for decades and remember the old days of setting type and painstakingly preparing pages for press by hand. Do you remember when bluelines were actually mailed back and forth? Obviously, things are much more seamless today.

Transitioning to JPA

Let’s be honest. Any time you consider switching printers, there are some stressors involved. Will your magazines ship on time? Will you be happy with the print quality? Will things go easily and smoothly?

Yes they will, and here’s why.

On your mark

For starters, we’ll do a test run. We will show you how to use our online system to upload and approve your pages. This is where you’ll discover that our tech support is both helpful and friendly.

We’ll create Epson proofs for a handful of pages from your magazine and an internal report for us. This way, we all know what to expect.

Get set

Next, you’ll have a meeting with our president, our prepress manager and your CSR. We will discuss all the pertinent details about your magazine — everything from the paper stock to the position of the label. We’ll get your mail files in advance and run them by our postal advisor to address any issues that may arise.


When it comes time to print, all the questions have been answered, and your magazine is in the capable hands of our quality control team. This group takes immense pride in its work, and nothing leaves the building until it passes their incredibly high standards.

The bottom line is that we prefer that the excitement stay between the magazine covers and that the printing is drama-free.